Thursday 6 March 2014

On Sight Trailer Analysis

My trailer starts the green screen as normal and follows with my production company name. This production company name is accompanied by the start of the song that I have used for my trailer. This song is "Do I Wanna Know" by The Artic Monkeys. This shows the viewers the production company who created the film trailer and the film. It is accompanied by the music as this music starting before the moving images does means that the first impressions for the audience start to surface what the genre for the film is.

This second shot you can see is an establishing shot of Liverpool. This establishing shot allows the audience to see the setting in which the film will take place. Having the establishing shot showing the Albert Dock means that the audience should immediately recognise it as it is iconic and famous. Therefore the viewers will be able to establish that it is set in Liverpool.

From the last shot the trailer moves onto showing the audience the main character stumbling out of the pub. However the viewers cannot determine that he is the protagonist yet. They just see a drunk. Then in the shot to the left we see him for the first time lying down. From the early stages we see him as an alcoholic as he is in the pub at this stage. However he is having a conversation with the helper in the story Julianne. The low key lighting and the dark clothes show a lack of happiness between the two as they look down and depressed. The way that the beer stand separates the two show that they may have two different views and this is strengthened as Connor looks like he isn't interested in what Julianne is saying. The beer stand is also white and bright which may suggest that alcohol is there only happiness/escape from depression.

The next shot is introducing two more new characters to the viewers. We have the main antagonist Nikolai Piesto who is throwing the money and the second is a mobster/contracted assassin. This has also has low key lighting however this shows that there is trouble arising and that the clip suggests that the mobster is being paid to do a job. The props on the table also suggest that this is some kind of warehouse/safe house for the antagonist.

Here we have the continuing theme within the trailer of our main character stumbling out of the pub drunk. The setting and grainy editing suggest that he is drunk and is disorientated. This may show the viewers that he has a confusing lifestyle and isn't comfortable with it. This may also suggest that this is in the past compared to other shots being in colour. He is also in the pub. The use of expansion of time is used to show that he is walking somewhere. Before this shot there are couple of quick shots of Nikolai using his power. He forces a male into the chair and looks like he is about to interrogate him in some.

Before this next shot there are a few more stumbling shots of the main character and the helper Julianne leaving a building in a fast paced walk. The way in which he is leaving suggests that he is trying to get away from someone however he is not trying to look superstitious.
As you can see on your right there is a shot of gold cards being thrown down in the trailer. This shot is the 4th card being thrown. This looks like another common theme even after only two cards. This looks like a countdown being made so the viewers might feel at the end of this that something is about to happen.
From the last shot there are a few twists in the trailer as the stumbling grinds to a halt as Connor is confronted by to mobsters who are connected with Nikolai. The title screens suggest that something happened in Connors past that is relevant to what is happening now. The next few shots suggest that he is going to go toe to toe with Nikolai and try to fight of what he is about to receive.

The title screen shown just before this shot tells the audience that Connor has to eradicate the past. This suggests that there are people who have caught up with his life and have made it tough again. The shot you can see on the right is showing that Connor is fighting off the mobsters. The transition from a grainy look to real time colour suggests that he has broken away from his drunk state and is fighting back.

There are several shots following the last shot you can see above. These shots include another card shot, and the introduction of a speedo. This speedo comes in and is another theme that is present in the trailer for a short amount of time. As the speed goes p the tension builds up in the trailer from an audience perspective. The shot we can see now is an over the shoulder shot of the main character Connor who is making a phone call. The angle that the audience are at suggests that they are peeping over his shoulder and being nosey. The way in which Connor n this section says "I've got what you want" suggests that he is being used in someway to get to other things for someone else.

The speedo theme continues and finishes within the section between the last shot and the shot you can see on the right. The speedo is shown increasing in speed as the action quickens in the rest of the trailer. There are shots of Nikolai smashing through the door looking very angry and then there is this chase that you can see on the right. This is showing that you as the viewer is getting chased through a POV shot. This increases the intensity further and the fact that the lens makes it look dirty and rough means that you are very rural and looks like you have no where to turn as you are chased. This shot transitions into a car driving away. This continues the quick intensity and makes the viewers think of who is driving the car. The antagonist or protagonist and why they are driving away quickly.

This shot is of the suitcase that the mobsters where carrying earlier in the trailer. Once opened the bang matching the bad connotations of the drugs in the briefcase suggest that Connor has unearthed something that he didn't want to get back into as it is something that he has just left. The dark setting also plays a negative angle on this as it increases the negativity that is associated with this image. This point leads the trailer nicely into the introduction of the actors who are in the film. The actors names are shown individually with each of there characters shown in a shot individually that they play within the film.

After the names the final of the cards is thrown down. This card is the joker and concludes the countdown. This then cuts to Nikolai cocking the gun and shooting down the camera. The angle in which it is shot is suggesting that the viewer is in a low angle POV shot. This is showing they may be looking through a character who is about to get shot. This then cuts to the title of the film. This is done in a way that the viewers can make there own assumptions about who got shot. Cutting to the title at the peak of the intensity makes sure that the audience remembers what the film is called.

This final part of the trailer after the title. This part is in a dark room with very low key lighting. This being in a dark room suggests that something bad is about to happen and that things are hidden. This suggestion comes to the fore when Connor answers the mobile he is kidnapped. Ending the trailer on this is leaving a cliffhanger for the audience. They want to know what happens to him but to do that they'll have to go and watch the film.

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