Thursday 9 January 2014


Here below you will see a piece of writing that explains what distribution is. Here it talks about what is involved and the different areas within distribution itself such as the marketing side, the logistics and what digital distribution is.
Distribution roughly talks about how it is the third part of the chain when it comes to filming. Distribution talks about how it is about releasing and sustaining films within the market place. Distribution talks about how it is part of vertical integration as one of the three larger parts/phases to films. This only really happens with the bigger films. The vertical integration doesn't really take place when it comes to independent films. In the independent sector it is separated in a different three way system- licensing, marketing and logistics.

With digital distribution it talks about how films are distributed through the Internet. This is through download not hard copy. Therefore this is done so that people don't have to go to the shop to buy the film or go to the cinema to watch the film they can download or stream the film to their gadget/device at home quickly and stay and watch it in the comfort of their own home.

With my film trailer i will probably distribute mine digitally through the likes of Youtube and IMDB as they are the most likely sites in which they are going to get noticed and watched.

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