Thursday 9 January 2014

Film Trailer Draft

Below is a draft of my trailer. This trailer still needs adjustments made to it however it is nearly complete. However I have received feedback from teachers and fellow students on what to change within it Throughout the procedure of creating my trailer.
At first I decided to make a teaser trailer and trailer but because of the amount of time I needed to put in on each I thought that it was the sensible option to drop one so therefore I dropped the teaser trailer. This decision was made as at the time the trailer and teaser trailer in comparison where similar but with the shots I had taken the teachers felt that the trailer route was the best route for me so therefore I went on to do this trailer.
After having all of the shots I put a trailer together which I thought looked good, and made sense however I needed to follow certain conventions from other films within my genre of gangster/action films so the trailers of Gangster Squad, American Gangster, Lawless, and Rock n Rolla where very useful for me to produce this work.
Once I had put this together I added music to my work. The first piece of music I chose was No Church In The Wild by Kanye West. This song didn't fit at all and we discarded this as being to slow for the action on screen. Then we added On Sight by Kanye West. This sounded well in some places but overall it didn't fit. After discussing with the teachers we settled on Do I Wanna Know by The Arctic Monkeys. This has stuck since and is my song of choice with the trailer. The connotations also that the song gives out match with the feel and the impression I want to give the audience with my trailer.
After further discussions with teachers and friends I have come to the trailer you can see below. This is only a draft and still needs work on as I received further feedback from the teachers and students and they have pointed out a few more things that need changing including the Patrick Lawrenson actor shot after the name, The date at the end needs shortening and the question mark on the phone at the end not being clear enough are some of the corrections that need making.


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