Sunday 1 December 2013

Spreading my Film through the Social Network

As I have done a film trailer for my film if this was a proper film they would want as many people as possible to watch the trailer so they can build hype about the film so therefore they would want to reach a wide audience to do this so they would apply there advertising skills on social networking sites.

Sites such as Twitter and Facebook have a lot of members and especially on Twitter every now and again you see an advertisement on your news feed that has been sent out to everyone. So to spread the word of something companies would put this on the news feed and send it out to everyone through the permission of Twitter. Film companies do this also, So therefore when I look to advertise my film I would send a tweet out saying that a new trailer has been released for this film through the account of the film or film company and add a link so that the audience can see the trailer and judge the film by its trailer and then therefore build the hype and popularity.

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