Friday 7 February 2014

Billing Block Creation

My billing block that I have done for my poster as you can see is very similar to a real billing block as I have gone of this research and the influence to create my own. The font and style is very similar to the real billing block. As you can see the billing block needs to stand out from it's background so I have done this accordingly with the colour of my billing block compared to the colour of my background. This was done on Photoshop and I have helped others in creating there own billing block after completing my own.

All of the names on my billing block are people who have helped with the trailer in anyway and I have placed them in places I feel they could go and fill places when it comes to actual jobs that appear on a billing block. Therefore here I have followed the conventions of a real billing block.

After producing this billing block I received good feedback off my teachers and peers on how I created as they felt it was really good.

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