Thursday 27 February 2014

Film Poster Feedback

Throughout the production of my film poster I have asked for individual feedback on each stage that I have shown on the blog and I have made changes according to this feedback. Below are some that I have received throughout.

"The billing block is very good. It looks like a real one that has been done for an actual film poster"

"The title cannot be seen properly. The style is too worn away so I personally can't make out the title properly."

"The range of colours is a bit mad. The yellow doesn't really go and it stands out and it takes the attention away from the poster image."

"The picture taken is quite grainy. The picture needs to be re shot or it needs a lot of photo shopping."

"The image background image is dark enough that you can't see the setting at all, but it is light enough to see it and the attention won't be pulled when the main image is placed in."

"The writing does stand out from the background but if the picture is equally as appealing then this title will be OK as it will share the attention."

"The base of the poster is well done as the billing block and all of the companies are there to signify that it is a real poster."

"The main character stands out very well and you can see the briefcase a lot better on this poster."

"The whole poster go together very well. Each of the images compliment each other and looks like a real poster."

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